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Youth Conference 2018
Our Preachers
Evangelist Ron Reilly
Bro. Michael Sales
Bro. J.D. Leake
Bro. Bill South, Pastor of Pleasant View Baptist Church, Taylor, SC
Bro. Anthony Curley
Bro. Jesse Bowen, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Warrenton, GA
Bro. Ronnie Young, Pastor of Morning Star Baptist Church, Cleveland, GA
Bro. Travis Proctor
Bro. Justin Epley
Bro. Chad Watson, Pastor of Glory Land Baptist Church, Hartsville, SC
Our Campers
Waiting patiently in the dark waiting for Youth Conference 2018 to start
Campers are still arriving in the dark
Patiently awaiting.... thanks to a storm we had no power
Already hiding from the camera. Shaking my head!
Standing in the corner. Have they been bad???
A quick pic
FINALLY!!! Youth Conference 2018 has started
Getting those vocal chords warmed up for the week
Don't hold back, let it rip!
I think they are excited
Yep, looks like they are excited
Antioch Youth Choir singing a special
Andrew's and the girl's group singing, or is it beauties and the beast?
Dividing out the teams for the girls
Diving out the teams for the boys
Team: Jaw Breakers
Team: Warheads
Just chillin' is all
Getting their Bibles signed by Evangelist Ron Reilly
The newly engaged couple. Don't they look so happy?
Acting shy
The infamous canteen line
It keeps going......
The end is finally seen...
Evangelist Ron Reilly talking with some of the campers
Enjoying the delicious hamburgers. The best hamburgers in town
I see you
What?? No hamburgers?? How dare you...
Just chattin'
Now that's what I'm talking about, hamburger time!
Menu changed daily. A very important part of camp.
Come one, come all, come get your burgers, sweets, and drinks, oh and of course the french fries
Look, Elizabeth is turning into a smurf!
Now this looks like trouble
Got caught
Are they actually behaving or is it a cover up?
Double trouble
Just talkin"
The cool group
Getting ready to enjoy their meal
Nothing like cereal and milk
Too excited to really sit down
Grinnin' and a chewin'
Caught eating!
Think they are playing with their food
Awe, she's all sweet and innocent
Is he holding back by biting his tongue?
The freezing duo
A tower of giraffes
Now this is trouble acting normal
Best buddies
YIKES! a girl!!!!
We are not doing anything....
Johnathan asking Ms. Lindsey if he can take Natalie (her daughter) to the banquet Thursday night
Time to get singing after that huge breakfast
You're taking a pic of me??
Some are happy, and some are sleepy I think
Are we in, up, or backwards? I'm confused..
The majority votes "in"
And we are happy and sleeeeeeppppppyyyyyy
Oh look, we have a few devils in the youth group
OK... are we up, down, or forward?? I think we need to learn directions..
A verse a day will keep the devil away..
Girls, you don't need a guy that leaves his dorm room a mess..... (to be continued)
See what I mean girls??
the other side of the room..
A clean dorm... now these guys are keepers
No comment.....
I plead the 5th.....
"This blessed old Book...
"That I hold in my hand"
Just watchin'...
Our pianist for the week
Trying to learn the song
Yep, we are trying too
Sis. Jan, a great lady of God
Trouble in the "South"
Something is funny
Trying not to bust out laughing..
What is so funny???
I didn't do it.....
Behaving for a little while
Caught ya
Sorry, but the crutches cannot hide you
Hmmmm.... I wonder what is going on here, looks like they are up to no good
Awe how sweet....
Getting ready for "The Price is Right"
Playing Bible drill in order to play "The Price is Right"
Oh look what we have here... fruit snacks for some fruity campers
Trying to get on the stage, oh soooo close
Are they thinking of a sweet plan??
Climbing the good old "Sunshine Mountain" for points
Campers helping the contestants out
I think I feel a small breeze blowing
Now there is a nice breeze...
Think we have a EF-1 tornado in the house
Now here is the real contestants to show them how it's really done, You be the judge of who is better
And we are off to a good climb....
I think the mountains are getting mixed up..
I think we may have a category 3 hurricane in the house
Think it just went to a category 4
Climbing a little higher
And they landed safely back on the ground after their climbing hurricane
Get them autographs they are worth 100 points a piece....
The storm after the calm...
Ms. Lindsey showing us her cheesy smile... it's coming just keep looking
It's almost there Ms. Lindsey
There is that good cheesy smile.....
No cheesy smile like her mom (Ms. Lindsey), but it sure is a messy face. I think she enjoyed her supper
Enjoying another delicious meal
Time for swimming
All innocent looking
Why the tongue?
Trying to master the bull. It's a lot harder than it looks
Yep, I got you Jacey
Another trying to master the bull
And another. Will they ever give up?
Is that the green eyes of jealousy popping out of the pool??
Ahhhh it is. Swim away Priscilla, swim away...
Awe look, a nice photo
Having fun in the pool
Too many different faces...
Main skit for the week
Main skit cont.
Main skit cont..
Main skit cont.
Main skit cont.
To be continued Thursday night
Conference Choir singing lead by Dave Young
Enjoying her cotton candy...
The cotton candy look
Enjoying the sweet stuff
Nothing like them Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Antioch Baptist Church Campers, Harlem, GA
Grace Baptist Church Campers, Warrenton, GA
Morning Star Baptist Church Campers, Cleveland, NC
Westside Baptist Church Campers, Cowpins, SC
Community Baptist Church Campers, Lodge, SC
Faith Baptist Church, Midville, GA
Liberty Baptist Church, Ochlocknee, GA
Pleasant View Baptist Church, Taylors, SC
Cold???? Seriously???
The Curley Family
Our workers getting to sit down and enjoy a service
Joanna has GUILTY written all over her face
Ms. Toni and Mr. Michael enjoying a service
Our sound man for the week Mr. Travis
Dr. Ronald Young, former Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church, Harlem, GA
See my bubble
How did you do that?
Oh yea, I did it first...
I guess that counts..
Catching the candy in the buckets
More candy throwing going on
Doing the gumball shake
Our game creator for the week Ms. Deborah
Girls turn to do the gumball shake
Do they know what they are doing?
This is too easy
Fighting for the gumballs
I think they don't know what they are doing
Mr. Jesse and Ms. Cynthia Bowen
Just a rule or two.....
Time for skating
Helping others out
Still being crazy
Trying to avoid the camera.
Trying to find a place to put his John Henry
Why the long face?
Why's everybody always pickin' on me?
Just a grinnin'
Mother/Daughter pic photobombed
Twyla tried to make cotton candy. Not sure what she made
I think someone enjoyed their cotton candy
Hurry up and order and then stand patiently
Yep, still waiting
Boys, if the girls dorm looks like this, what does their room look like??
The other girls room...
Sorry guys, not any better
Sheepish grins....
Oh, hi there
Sugar loading...... 45%.....
Sugar overload......
You can run, but you can't hide
Sugar is not kicking in......
I think I'm awake...
They are happy....
I see you...
Quote the verse of the day for money and team points
Quoting a verse
Girls turn to quote a verse
"Sweeter as the Days go by"
Hi, and yes I took your picture
Mr. Ronnie & Ms. Belinda Young
Sibling contemplation can be the scariest. I wonder what they are contemplating on doing??
Being cool boys
Just because....
Our workers got chocolate fever. Here are the affects of it...
Without our workers what shall we do......
No more meals......
No more canteen..... we shall soon starve..
Oh but wait..... here is some chocolate.......
YES!!! The workers have been revived. We shall not starve to death. More food, more canteen.. YES!!
The kids will now survive as they have been given chocolate..
They are now pumped full of chocolate... They are all good to go
Except this one. I think he is having chocolate overload...
And this one I think just went into chocolate coma
Picking up Candy Canes with a Candy Cane in your mouth. How hard can this be?
You be the judge..
Turns out to be harder than you think
Even the men struggled
And now for our annual burping contest... Who shall be the champion of champions..
And now it's the girls turn
The older girls give it a try
And now the older guys get to try it out
The workers came out to view the burping champion keep her title
Wonder who they are rooting for. The champion or the newbie?
Returning champion Lindsey against Rookie contender Kendra Miller. And the winner is..... The returning Champion Lindsey Glasscock
The still reigning champion Lindsey against Mr. Jason Jenkins... The winner and still the reigning burping champion is Lindsey.
Just for fun Dr. Young against Mrs. Ann Hewett in the burping contest. The winner... Dr. Young
I think Jacob is ready to go swimming
Time for some more swimming with a HUGE yellow duck
Crazy as the duck she is riding
Just keep swimmin'
And the regning champion bull is back, and still defending his title
Even Ms. Kendra fell victim to the bull in defeat
But it's ok because she fell off in fashion...
Caught taking pictures...
Awe... brother and sister hugging... Awe
Getting ready for the last night of the major skit of the week
Our skit characters... Sweet n Low and Splenda
Equal and the Real Sugar
And the skit begins for the final night
The entrance of the fake sugars
The entrance of Real Sugar
All together on stage for a quick moment..
Real Sugar teaching Equal a lesson or two..
Real Sugar doing a number on Equal. Even clothes are flying
Real Sugar shrunk Equal down to size
Singing in the final service of Youth Conference 2018
The other side joined right in
Campers presented Pastor Young with a card
A closer look at the front of it
Reading all the signatures on the inside
Camp choir singing one last time
The church was full and so was the foyer on the last night of Youth Conference 2018
Pastor helping little Hannah to make it rain
It is time for our final game of ZONK!! Where it is....
Girls.......... Against
It all boiled down to one square... Will the boys win, or will the girls remain the champion??
And.............................................. The GIRLS won defending their title
Banquet Pictures
Trouble in paradise already
And she fights back with a candy cane. Not sure who will win..
And the winning team for the week is the………
Our Workers
Ms. Shannon putting the delicious hamburgers together
Ms. Jules also putting the delicious hamburgers together
Ms. Toni relaying messages from the canteen to the hamburger ladies
Canteen workers: Ms. Winnie and Ms. Merry
Ms. Stephanie handing out the potato chips because we did not have any fries Monday night due to the storm and power outage
Ms. Caroline getting drinks ready for the campers
Ms. Winnie working on the waffles
Ms. Freda putting butter on the waffles
Ms. Kay drying a few dishes
Some eat while others work
CHEESE, cheese....
The "nerds" at the dessert table...
Ms. Jules just loves fixing the drinks for the campers
The calm before the storm.....
Ms. Janice fixing the fries for the canteen orders...
Mr. Steven cooking the fries
Just a workin' on them orders
Ms. Kendra Miller or should we call her the Ms. Cotton Candy Lady? COTTON CANDY!!!!! A true treat for the campers this year
Our wonderful canteen workers working hard I think...
Mr. David Miller cooking I'm not sure what... Or is he even cooking??
Serving the hungry campers
Ms. Janice cleaning the table
Ms. Brenda washing the dishes
Mr. Jason and Mr. Corbin cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs for the canteen
Maybe we should consider calling the fire department??
Cooking fries and frying Snickers....
One of the most famous people at the canteen, the slushy lady Ms. Brenda
Mr. Michael cooking the eggs
What? I didn't do anything
Getting the camps famous cinnamon rolls ready for breakfast
Charging 50%...........55%......
Getting themselves ready for the campers
Oh look, Ms. Lindsey and her cheesy grin doing the dishes
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