“You better listen up before you loosen up”

Acts 27:1-24

By: Bro. Randy Sutherland

February 7, 2022MN

Some feel they have to have a sign from Heaven before they listen.

Thank God for a preacher who will warn you.

Most people have to have entertainment to get excited.

   I. We don’t want to go there it’s boring.

       Loosening up will tear you up. Act 5:34

       When someone tries to get you to loosen up, you need to ask                      yourself  “Are they right with God?”

 II. Let us go over here, they will tell us everything is alright. Titus 1:5

       There are things that are out of order.

       They will try to tell the preacher that it was smooth sailing.

III. You wll get to going your own way and you will end up crippled.

You better listen to the man of God!