“What Gets in the Way of our Walk of Fellowship?” I John 1:7 SN
“What Gets in the Way of Our Walk of Fellowship?”
I John 1:7
By: Pastor
December 19, 2021 SN
I. Our feelings
Something happened that the disciples didn’t understand and they were going on their feelings.
Sometimes it happens with the church. Sometimes it happens with the children.
Your feelings will fail you.
II. Our faults. James 5:16
Sometimes it would do us good to get over the faults of others to have fellowship.
We need to realize that we have faults just like everyone else.
You will not be successful in fellowship if you say “This is how I am.”
III. Our failures.
Sometimes we focus on our failures and we can’t get past them. Acts 13:13
Don’t let feelings, faults or failures get in the way of your walk of fellowship!
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