“To Get Going”
John 8:10-11
By: Bro. Jeremiah Epley
August 27, 2023 SN
I. We must see we’re sinners. Rom. 3:10
II. We’ve got to see that Christ is the Saviour. John 8:11, Rom. 5:8, John 3:16
III. We’ve got to see salvation. Rom. 10: 9-10, 13, 6:23
IV. We’ve got to see that God sends (soul winning). Matt. 22:9
A certain way to go. Jer. 42:19
Go not into Egypt.
V. We’ve got to be sanctified.
1. Your worship.Exo. 20:3-5
2. Your words. Exo. 20:7,16
3. Your actions. Exo. 20:12-15
4. Your minds. Rom. 8:6-7
“All You Give is Accounted For”
John 6:11-13
By: Pastor Young
August 27, 2023 SN
That nothing be lost. Vs. 12
God takes account of everything you give.
I. Time
A. There is a process of time. Heb. 11:32
All that you give is accounted for
B. There’s problems in that time. Ps. 27:5
Most of the time we don’t realize He’s covered us until the trouble is over.
God never takes your time for granted. Heb. 2:1
Every piece of time you suffer is accounted for. Rom 8:18
C. There’s a prayer time.
There’s a time of prayer that God accepts.
Sometimes it seems like God doesn’t hear, but He’s keeping an account.
D. There’s a period of time, our life is short.
There won’t be one minute that God doesn’t account for.
E. There is a preserved time.
He had given Timothy things over time. II Tim. 4:6