“There was a man sent from God” John 1:1-10 SM
“There was a man sent from God”
John 1:1-10
By: Bro. Jimmie Moize
February 6, 2022
I thank God for the man of God who told me about the grace of God.
He was there for me when I needed Him.
I thank God for the church who clothed me and took me in.
I. A man sent from God is a preparer.
a. For sinners to be saved.
b. For the coming of the Lord.
II. A man sent from God is a preacher.
a. He will preach about God’s promise.
b. He will preach to God’s people.
III. A man sent from God is a perfector.
He will be trying to perfect you.
IV. A man sent from God will be a practicer.
He will practice what He preaches.
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