“The Urgency of the Gospel”

I Corinthians 9:16-17

By: Pastor

November 13, 2022 SM

God can do nothing to make people accept the gospel.

Great deception of the sinner.

Satan has pulled the wool over their eyes.

The deception of the saints.

Doing things in the flesh and not having God in their life.

I. That you and I be faithful.

Doing things in the will of God whether I want to or not.

I want to be faithful in season and out of season.

The death, burial and resurrection is the power of the Gospel.

There is a reward for being faithful.

II. We must be transparent.

We need to be real.

When you live a transparent life, you won’t have to cover up anything.

III. We must feel the burden.

When I get cold and indifferent the burden is still there.

IV. We must see the grief.

I can’t afford to quit.