“The Tokens of a Tender Heart”
II Chronicles 34:27
By: Bro. Stacey Shiflett
November 24, 2021 WN
The heart of man is one of the two battle grounds satan will attack. The mind is the other.
The heart- the seat of our emotions.
The heat of the battle will make us get hard.
The hypocrisy of the brethren will make your heart hard.
I. Josiah had a tender heart because of a personal pursuit. II Chronicles 34:1-27
He walked in the ways of David his father. Vs. 1-16
He began to pursue the ways of David his father; to seek the God of David. Vs. 16-27
II. A passionate purging.
He thoroughly purged the nation and seemed to get God’s attention. Vs 3-7
Take a vengeance against sin in your life. Clean the big and little sins.
III. A pressing priority – being concerned about what happens at the house of God. Vs. 8
IV. A painful perception. Vs. 14-21
V. A public promise. Vs. 27-28
God wasn’t going to judge Him. Vs. 29-32
He made a covenant to follow the Lord and made everyone stand to it.