“Some lessons from the Labourers who knew” John 2:1-9 TN
“Some lessons from the Labourers who knew”
John 2:1-9
By: Bro. Randy Sutherland
February 8, 2022TN
The servants got to see firsthand the power of God
I. They knew the circumstances.
He is going to put us in a spot for us to realize that if God doesn’t do it, it’s not going to get done.
II. They knew the waterpots were ceremonial.
Sometimes God will ask us to do things we don’t understand.
III. They knew they could have confidence in HIM.
God’s actions are determined on our faith.
If you serve God, He will let you get in on it
IV. They knew that Jesus had come through.
Jesus was showing them that He was more than enough.
What do You know about God?
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