“Let’s Take a Walk” Cont. Galatians 5:22 SN
“Let’s Take a Walk” Cont.
Galatians 5:22
By: Pastor
April 3, 2022 SN
Longsuffering – opposed to a hasteness to revenge.
Rom. 2:4 – Forbearance of God
I. Best demonstrated by the Lord.
If we don’t have longsuffering we will forget that he has been longsuffering with us.
II. Best exercised by the preacher.
The duties of a pastor is to be a longsuffering. II Timothy 4:1-2
The prophets were longsuffering. James 5:10
III. It must be exercised by the people. Eph. 4:1-3
– to walk worthy of our vocation
– to keep unity in the church
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