“Is there Any Fire in You?”

Jeremiah 20:9-10

By: Pastor Young

July 19, 2023 WN

If you cannot depend on the Word of God, you are in trouble.

Any saved person can do anything but he cannot get away with it!

I.  The sadness of the fire.

Situations stop our tongues.

Be careful what you say you will not do.

We cannot afford to fall.

Sometimes you get discouraged by others.

We get our eyes off of the Lord and on ourselves.

You will be disappointed because your flesh will fail you.

II. The source of the fire.

It’s His word.

There is no substitution for the word of God.

III. The seed of the fire.

You have to get the word of God in your life now, you can’t wait to read and study the Bible.

IV. The secret of the fire.

The place where no one can see.

V. The support of the fire.

We need to stay in the truth.

You have to get the truth in you.