“Being Satisfied”

Romans 12:1-2

By: Pastor Young

May 4, 2024 SN

   I. Every saved person has to prove to themselves what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

       If you can’t prove it to yourself you are not going to stay in it.

       Sometimes you feel you are walking alone.

      Good will of God – means the best.

      Being in the will of God doesn’t make you better.

      Good will – fertile will.

      You can plant in the will of God and there will be an abundance.

II. Christians should prove it to the world also.

     It is an attractive will.

     It is a full will.

     It is an acceptable will. Phil. 4:18

     It is a perfect will.

     Perfect – without want; without fault

     This perfect will is without defect.