“Are You Serious?”

Matthew 23:13-15

By: Pastor Young

March 2, 2025 SM

You are going to live your life and then go to Hell.

What are your hindrances in your life?

We aren’t as serious as we say we are.

    I. That you are going to turn the Lord away again today.

  II. That you are going to go the same direction.

       If you are the same that is your fault.

       Every morning you choose what direction you are going to go.

III. That you are satisfied with the Christian you are.

       Most of the time we are not embarassed enough to change.

       Christian is more than a word its a life.

IV. Are you satisfied with the service you do?

      Are you doing it whole heartedly?

     Are you doing it to the Lord?

     You are going to fail in your life if you’re not serious.

V. That you don’t want to waste your life.

     If we don’t want to waste our life, we will make up our mind not to.