“When God Tears Your Fences Down” John 4:1-30 SM
“When God Tears Your Fences Down”
John 4:1-30
By: Pastor
May 1, 2022 SM
I. He broke down the fence of His reach.
God will go wherever He nneds to in your life to tear down your fence.
You aren’t going to stop the reach of God.
He understood that there was a need in this woman’s life and there was a fence that had to be torn down.
II. God broke the fence of race.
The reach of God has no skin color
The reach of God isn’t going to stop because of your color.
III. God will tear down the fence of reality. VSS. 16-17
A man will never get saved until he deals with his own sin.
If a sinner didn’t have to deal with sin, then why did God bring it up.
IV. God will tear down the fence of religion. Vs. 20
She was dependent on her religion of her father.
It doesn’t matter what your parents have done, if you don’t get saved you will go to hell.
V. God will tear down the fence of revelation. Vs. 26
She realizes who He is.
When you get saved, you will leave everything behind.
What fence is keeping you from getting saved?
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