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“Let’s Take a Walk” Galatians 5:16, 22 WN
“Let’s Take a Walk”
Galatians 5:16, 22
By: Pastor
April 20, 2022 WN
Faith – a belief or a trust in God; complete trust.
We say we trust God, but we really don’t.
In this spiritual walk, you have to trust him. II Cor. 5:7
Some things have happened to people through faith:
Everyone that walked by faith listened to God.
Abel, Noah, Abraham
God talks to them to guide them in the way they should go.
God spoke to Moses through the burning bush.
The walk of faith always involves listening..
2. Always has a reverence of God.
3. There will always be action in regards to God.
You will find that when walking in the Spirit, they are always doing something for God.
4. It will always seek for us a better land.
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