“Are you fulfilling that role in your life?” II Timothy 1:1-11 SN
“Are You fulfilling that role in your life?”
II Timothy 1:1-11
By: Pastor
February 13, 2022 SN
How did Timothy fulfill the work that God gave them?
I. Tender about the work of God. VS. 4
If you are tender about the work of God, you’re prone to draw others into the work.
II. We need to be genuine in the faith. VS. 5
This is what I am and what I believe.
III. Carry on the legacy and heritage.
IV. Stir up the fire in your life. VS. 6
Sometimes we get discouraged because we don’t see things happening, but we just have to stir up the fire. Rom. 8:28
V. You have to be bold. VS. 7
VI. You have to surround yourself with those who have a purpose. II Tim. 3:10
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