“What the Bible Says About Soulwinning”
By: Pastor
February 2nd, 2022 WN
I. You’re not presenting yourself; you’re presenting the gospel. Acts 4:31
The boldness to witness is not going to happen without being full of God.
a. Be bold about the plan of Salvation.
b. witness with confidence in God.
c. We should have compassion. I Thessalonians 1:5
II. We should give the gospel out because it is our duty.
III. It is the need of the hour that the gospel gets told. I Corinthians 4:4
Whatever keeps you from getting saved is what is going to take you to hell.
How are we going to reach people?
- By the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- You are going to have to go where they are.
The more seed you get out the more you will reap.
Don’t stop sowing!