“When God Turns Your World Upside Down”

Matthew 20:30-34

By: Pastor

January 9th, 2022 SM

    I. He took them from sitting to following Vs. 30

When a person’s world is not turned upside down, you will revert back to what you were                 doing.

  II. He took them from hearing to seeing.

What all had they heard that would fix the problem?

III. You go from needing mercy to having mercy.

The world is blind to what they need.

These blind men realized that there was no one else to help.

 IV. They went from rebuke to rewards Vs. 31

The crowd rebuked them for crying out to God, but God had compassion and they received            their sight.

  V. You will go from crying to rejoicing.

VI. They went from being rejected to a relationship.

VII. He took their life from begging to being honest.

         Begging– just pacified for another day.

You will know when God turns your world upside down!